How to donate to Myra’s Wells
Thank you for looking how you can help us! This is how to donate to Myra’s Wells. Whether this is On-line Giving, One-off Giving or Regular Giving or Paying for a well, it is much appreciated. Here are the details:
On-line Giving

Our preferred online giving site is Stewardship. With Stewardship, Myra’s Wells receives every penny you give as there is no commission – click here to donate this way.

One-off giving:
By cash or cheque made payable to Myra’s Wells. Please send to our address below
By Bank transfer – see below for our account details. If using a bank transfer, please email to let us know who the donation has come from.
Are you able to GiftAid your donation? Please check the GiftAid section below.
Regular giving
You can set up a Standing Order directly with your bank, quoting our bank details as below. If you do this, please email to let us know when to expect the donations to start.
Alternatively, you can use this link to download a Standing Order form. Then complete it and send to our address below and we will forward it to your bank.
Are you able to GiftAid your donation? Please check the GiftAid section below.
If you are able to complete this declaration, please print and sign it, adding your address. Then send it to our address below or email to It will increase the value of your gift by 25% and no cost to you!
I <insert you full name> request that all donations I make to Myra’s Wells (UK Charity no. 1143345) are treated as Gift Aid donations until I notifiy you otherwise. I declare that I pay UK Tax or Capital Gains Tax greater than, or equal to, the total of tax reclaimed in connection with my charity giving in the appropriate tax year. I will notify you if this changes.
Signed ……………………………………………… Date ……………….
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Our Address
Our Postal Address is
72 Oakhurst Road, West Moors, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 0DR (UK)
You can contact us for further details using or by phoning Eddie or Karen on 01202 892548
Our bank details:
Myra’s Wells RCN 1143345, Lloyds Bank, 84 Victoria Road, Ferndown BH22 9JB (UK)
Sort code: 30-93-25
Account no: 24159560
For Overseas use when sending GBP Pounds: IBAN GB74LOYD30932524159560 BIC LOYDGB21270
To donate in USD or EUR, please use these details
Account Holder Name: Myra’s Wells
IBAN: GB31TCCL04140436891732
Bank Name: The Currency Cloud Limited
Bank Address: 12 Steward Street, The Steward Building, London, E1 6FQ, GB
Bank Country: GB
Paying for a Well
What a good way of creating a memorial for a loved one! Maybe you want to celebrate a wedding or an important anniversary. Perhaps you just want to express love towards people who have so little. For anyone paying £5500 for a whole well, the trustees will pay for, and place, a plaque, like this one, with your wording, on the well.