While we continue drilling for water in Burkina Faso, this verse from Psalm 126 comes to mind. “The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy.” (Psalm 126v2)
Following on from the previous news post, this is how the week beginning 19th October 2020 progressed.
Tuesday 20th October.
The drilling contractor arrived in Koudmi near to Koupela. If you are interested to look, Koupela appears on Goggle maps. We were awaiting news and, just before midday, this popped-up in WhatsApp:

“We have got 1200 litres/hour at Koudmi/Koupela!”
The borehole is 67 metres deep. The blue pipe has been capped while we wait for the results of the water testing. If the test gives the water a clean bill of health, the pump will soon be fitted and the surrounding concrete laid.
And so, on to Tenkodogo …
Wednesday 21st October.
The first village in the Tenkodogo area was Saatenga. We received this request about two years ago, but have only now been able to drill there.
Once again, the news came via WhatsApp. As long as there is a signal, this is the way that we hear news.

“Hello to everyone. God has given us a new well at Saatenga/Tenkodogo. Depth 52 metres, flow rate 16,000 litres per hour. May His name be praised”
In fact, after the borehole was cleaned, the flow rate was even higher at 18,000 litres/hour. That is about 25 times the minimum acceptable rate. The people at the village are delighted. One of the drilling team took advantage of the water to cool down in the heat – see this short video clip!
These two photos are not as well focused as we might like, but they show people watching the drilling – and drillers fetching the next rod for the drilling to continue.
So, time to pack up and move on to Bantougri.
Thursday 22nd October.
9:09 am – a photograph arrived in WhatsApp. We thought it must be another photo from Saatenga. But is wasn’t. The drillers had already been hard at work and there was more good news. This time Christine wrote in English:

Clearly, the drilling had been going on in the dark! The people at Bantougri have their borehole and, again, it is a very good flow rate – 4250 litres/hour. Later in the day, we received an email which said this:
“When the man who filled the form for the village called them to say a surveyor is coming, the old man said, ‘This is a voice of an angel.’ And when the surveyor came, that day he could not eat because he was full of joy and could not believe the village could get a well.”
The surveyor was, again, supervising the drilling. He sent this short video clip (about 60 seconds) of the end of the drilling. Towards the end, notice the ladies who have already brought their bowls to fill with water! They will have to wait another couple of weeks before they can use the pump, but they are so pleased that they will, at last, have clean water to use.

We continue drilling for water in Burkina Faso
These three wells now appear in the Myra’s Wells list of 185 wells on the web site – click here to see the full list.
We were hoping that the next village would be Basdedo, also near to Tenkodogo, but the ground there is still too wet after the rainy season. So, that will have to wait for a week or two. However, the surveyor is hoping that he will be able to go to try two other places near to Kaya – about 60 miles north of Ouagadougou – ready for drilling next week.
Please pray about this. Some places which are a little further north than Kaya have experienced security problems. So, we must pray that all are kept safe, and that water will be provided for the needy people there.
More news soon on this! In the meantime, we can repeat “The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy.” (Psalm 126v2)
As we continue drilling for water, we pray that God will bless in many more places.