“Awesome Adam” is a name that Adam’s headmaster gave him. And it describes him exactly! Adam is 8 years old and on Saturday 30th March 2019, he completed a 26 km (16 mile) walk to raise money for Myra’s Wells to be able to build another well in Burkina Faso. The JustGiving page is still open for any further contributions – click here to go to the page.
Here is the story
About 3 weeks ago, Adam aged 8, wanted to do something to help people who did not have clean water. He had heard about this when Myra’s Wells founder, Eddie, visited his school assembly. When he went home, he talked to his parents about it. And the idea was born.
A long sponsored walk!
In east Dorset, there is a recognised path called the Castleman Trailway. It starts at Upton Country Park, just outside Poole and finishes in Barrack Lane, just outside Ringwood. For part of its length, it follows the route of the disused railway from Brockenhurst to Wimborne. Here was the challenge. Walk the entire length! 26 km – 16 miles. Remember, Adam is only 8! The day was set for 30th March 2019.
The day unfolds
Good bye Upton Park
Adam and his father set off from Upton, smiling and waving, at 9 am. It was quite chilly still at that time. But the forecast was just about perfect for walking. We said “Good-bye” and they set off.
They made good progress and by 12 noon, they arrived at the lunch stop. Adam was still smiling, although beginning to feel a bit tired. He had already walked about 10 km (6½ miles). But a few peanut butter sandwiches later, he was ready for the next leg.
At about 2pm, there was a reception party gathered at West Moors. Adam is in the cubs there and they all turned out to meet him and encourage him. Karen and Lois met him for Myra’s Wells.
The end in sight!
Then there was more walking to do. It is hardly surprising that, at 8 years old, Adam was becoming very weary. But he was determined to finish. And, just before 6pm, he arrived at the sign which said “END OF TRAIL”. He was still smiling! His mother, brother and sister were there to meet him.

He is, indeed, “Awesome Adam”.
We were amazed that he had even thought about doing something for people he had never met in a country he had never been to. Just the thought would have been worth sponsorship! But to complete the challenge as well is truly amazing. Even his Dad (who is in the RAF) said “That was quite hard” when they reached the end.

We had the privilege of presenting him with a certificate in his school assembly on Monday. He had to sit down – his knees were still sore! But he was still smiling.
So, if you agree with us that this was a tremendous effort, perhaps you could take a look at his sponsorship page on this link? He has raised over £1200 so far. Let’s make it as much as we can. We will be celebrating by putting a plaque on a well in Burkina Faso saying “Awesome Adam”.