On January 1st 2022, Myra’s Wells new 4 x 4 arrived in Ouagadougou! Here is a picture of it in the customs yard in Ouagadougou, just after it emerged from a container. We would like to share the events that led up to its acquisition. They are worth sharing. God is a very generous God!

The problem with the old 4×4.
For a few years, we were able to send containers out to Burkina Faso. One of these containers included a second hand Nissan Navarra 4 x 4. Since we sent it – about 8 years ago – it has served us well. However, it was no longer fit for long journeys. It lacked air conditioning. The suspension was poor. It was suffering from – let’s just say – “old age”. In addition, Nissan had no agent in Burkina Faso.

However, Toyota does have agents there. So we really needed to acquire a Toyota Hilux to be able to reach the many villages where there were few, if any, roads.
“How could we afford this?”
We asked ourselves this question. It was a major problem for the trustees. We promise to put all donations towards well projects with nothing taken out for other expenses. Trustees normally fund other costs personally. The cost of acquiring a new 4 x 4, including shipping and customs duty was about £35,000.
Myra’s Wells work has grown hugely, so the need is more urgent. We now have nearly 250 wells on our list of wells. Clearly, this was a matter for prayer.
How God brings things together!
Toyota has an agent in Gibraltar who specialises in supplying charities operating in Africa. We had already been in contact with this agent earlier in 2021. Then, in September 2021, their agent advised us that there were only two of these vehicles remaining in stock. There would be no more until the middle of 2022. The next batch of vehicles would be more expensive and shipping would also cost more.
About this time, we heard from Christine, our field manager in Ouagadougou. There was good news. We had been successful in gaining NGO status in Burkina Faso. As a result we would not have to pay customs, which brought the total down to about £26,000.
This was still a very large sum of money.
God is a very generous God!
We shared the need with all the trustees and a few of our supporters that had expressed in interest in helping us with the vehicle. To our amazement, within 4 weeks we had all the money needed for the purchase of a lovely new Hilux 4×4 – including shipping to Africa from Gibraltar.
The vehicle comes with many extras, lots of spares (including two spare wheels) and 3 years or 200,000 kilometres warranty.
This is a significant answer to prayer and will be a valuable asset to the team in Ouagadougou. With God all things are possible. He is a very generous God!
The vehicle is already earning its keep. Here it is on a visit to “Beryl’s Well” at Nabzingm.