This post is to show that we care about how our wells are looked after in Burkina Faso.
There is no point in drilling wells and then forgetting about them! Wells cost money. That money is entrusted to us by people who expect us to use it wisely. And we see it as a gift from God. So this makes us even more determined to be careful. And wells which don’t work are no use to anyone. This is why we care about how our wells are looked after in Burkina Faso. In each village there is someone who is asked to visit the well to check.
Eddie’s visits
Each year, Eddie goes to Burkina Faso. Part of the reason is to visit as many wells as he can. This year was no exception. Karen was with him this time and they went to Gonse. At least, they thought they were going to Gonse, but when they arrived, they found the name is really Gonsin. Place names are sometimes rather fluid in Burkina Faso. A very generous lady paid for this well, in memory of her mother who died very young. So Myra’s Wells drilled the well in June 2013.
Well used
The people are using the well well (pun intended). This looks to be a happy family picture!
But there was some damage
Eddie and Karen were disappointed to hear that the pump handle had been broken a few days before. The Pastor had mended it. But children had been playing on it and cased the damage. And signs of deterioration were showing on the concrete base. Eddie was not pleased! And he told them so!
One of the older ladies and one of the older men apologised for not looking after the well properly. The children will not be allowed to play there in the future. They said it is a wonderful gift and they hoped that they had not upset the lady in England who had given it to them. The pastor promised to visit it more regularly.
So, who is going to look after the well better in the future?
Looks like everyone.
Fortunately, this is the first time that we have found damage caused like this. We will be checking up from time to time to make sure they keep their promises. We want them to know that we care about how our wells are looked after in Burkina Faso. Here is how they showed their appreciation!
Finally ..
Our visits to Burkina Faso are funded personally by trustees. Our commitment is to use every penny donated for well projects. To help us towards our 100 wells target, click here to see how to donate.