Happy people with clean water
That is our aim! Pictures of happy people with clean water make us happy too! This is the story of one place where there are now happy people with clean water.
Saaba is a large village. It is on the outskirts of Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. The story is one that we hear many times. The area has grown. There was one pump to serve many many people – about 5000. They had even put up a small water tower. But people still had to queue for up to 2 hours to wait for their turn to use it.
It is always a matter of deciding priorities! Which village or area is the most needy? God has been so good and Myra’s Wells has been able to drill 30 wells in the last 12 months up to December 2018. But there are so many more wells needed. We had had the details for Saaba for nearly two years and decided that we should help them if we could.
An important date in the calendar for Saaba. Not many people there will have diaries – but if they did have, 15th April will have been marked! The drilling team arrived. It takes about an hour to drill about 10 metres. So, it must have taken about five and a half hours to find water at 55 metres deep. After the usual water testing, the building team arrived to fit the pump and build the surrounding wall. Many people are now using well number 113. The pictures in this post are from January 2019,
Here is the result
Happy people with clean water, without having to wait for 2 hours each trip to the pump. It takes the pressure off the existing pump and means that many people are able to have clean water more easily. It will help with other things, apart from drinking and cooking, too. Growing crops will be easier – and many other small enterprises – which will help the people to be able to support their families.
One less to go in the number of wells needed!
But still another 7000 or more wells are needed. Myra’s Wells will continue to help by drilling more wells as funds allow. This link will show you the full list of those that we have now drilled. We praise God for the way that funds have been made available. And we will continue to spend every penny we receive on drilling wells, not on admin nor travel nor publicity. The trustees will pay all these costs personally.